Blog Flume

I am a multimedia designer and aspiring writer from Central Illinois who dreams of bigger things. You are entering the hub of my online world. Welcome. Make yourself at home, read some stuff, click a few things, maybe check out my online portfolio. And of course, if you enjoy your stay, please subscribe.

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Volunteer work for Peoria Academy

OK, here's that video I was telling you about last week. I put this together for the annual school fundraiser auction, and it was played immediately preceding the paddle raise segment. I got a lot of compliments afterward, but that wasn't the best part.

This video got folks in the mood to donate, and in a big way. We surpassed our goal with the paddle raise. I won't say exactly how much it raised, but I will say it was a five digit figure that came in a few thousand over the goal and paid for the new HVAC unit we desperately needed at the school. Very impressive outcome to say the least.

I can't wait to undertake a more professional recruiting piece for the school's website. I will start planning that one within a few weeks, and I'll waste no time in posting that one when it's done.

High quality link:

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