Did anyone else out there not enjoy the movie Zero Dark Thirty? I rented it this weekend, and I couldn't even finish it. I was so bored an hour in when, despite reviews promising a "gripping," "tense, thrilling" story; a "masterful account" of "history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man," all I had seen was a couple of folks waterboarding a brown guy and asking a bunch of questions over and over, that I had to shut it down and call it an hour of time I would never reclaim.
Someone tell me I'm dead wrong, please, and convince me to give it a second chance because all the reviews and online conversation I can find regarding this movie consider it one of the year's greatest films.
I saw Argo and loved it--I was on the edge of my seat throughout most of it... I saw Life of Pi and it truly inspired and resonated with me--I ruminated over it for at least an hour afterward... I saw Django Unchained and it blew my freaking mind... I thought director Kathryn Bigelow's other critically acclaimed, six-time Oscar-winning film The Hurt Locker was an incredible piece of filmmaking...
What did I miss in the first hour of Zero Dark Thirty that should have made me want to keep watching and find out what makes it so great? Did I just not give it enough of my time?
Please help. Thanks.
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