What better day to celebrate that most elusive and
mysterious of irrational numbers than on 3/14? Sure, you could think of Pi as
simply a circle’s circumference divided by its diameter, but it’s so much more
than that. That alone is crazy enough, since in a "perfect" circle,
circ/diam will NEVER be anything other than 3.14yadayada..... Pi wouldn’t be as
amazing if it were a whole number. We wouldn’t be nearly as amazed to see it
recurring in nature if it were simply "3." Big deal.
Okay, I realize most folks don’t share my enthusiasm for mathematical wonders,
so I’ll move on, but let me suggest some reading first. To learn a BIT more
about Pi and Pi Day, see this article. Or, to be amazed on a deeper level about not just Pi,
but the equally if not more amazing Phi, or the "Golden Ratio," check
out this book. I own it and love it.
Alright, enough of that for the day. But I would like to know why the blog
categories in the drop-down menu during blog creation lack something like
"Science and Nature." I’m sure I’m not the first geek to write about
something other than "Parties and Nightlife." Get on that, Tom!
Someboody send him an email, because Tom is not my friend.
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