Well that didn't last long, did it? What, four weeks or so?
It seems there have been lawsuits filed (like we didn't know THAT was gonna
happen) by free-thinking atheists who claim the "Silent Prayer and
Reflection Act" is an endorsement of school prayer. A U.S. District judge,
Robert Gettleman, has barred the moment of silence in a Chicago-area school
district because the law is "too vague." He had no power to do so
across the board, but it should be noted that there is no provision for
punishment against districts who do not comply with the mandate.
School districts are being warned they should cease following the mandate, or
they might inevitably face lawsuits from angry parents who don't want their
children being forced to pray in public school. Two state representatives, one
a democrat and one a republican, plan to announce today legislation that will
strip the mandate from schools.
I think this might turn out as a victory for the secular side of society. If
you ask me, it's a given that this mandate is going to be found
unconstitutional. So, that means the state will likely revert to the original
form of the law, which states educators "may" lead their students in
a moment of silence for prayer or silent reflection at the start of every day.
But wait a minute. If it's deemed unconstitutional for the state to require
schools to participate, won't it be just as unconstitutional for schools to
even participate once the law merely gives them "permission" to? If
any district lets its teachers continue leading the moment of silence, that
district is just BEGGING for lawsuits.
So we'll be back where we started, with the state of Illinois allowing teachers
to lead a moment of silence in their classrooms, but everybody too chicken to
actually take advantage of the law for fear of losing their job or facing a
lawsuit. Why even have such a law? What made the lawmakers think the people
were just going to take this kind of thing lying down? There is no purpose in
passing laws that are this ridiculous. All they've succeeded in doing is
drumming up controversy, pissing people off, further driving a wedge between atheistic
and religious parents of children in the same schools, and igniting frivolous
lawsuits that could have been avoided altogether.
Let's hope they see the error of their ways and get this law COMPLETELY
stricken down as soon as possible, so we can go back to doing what we should be
doing in school: TEACHING.
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